Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Take the pledge

The main thrust of our work at the moment here at this masculine ambush is our 'non violence pledge'. We're encourgaing all men to sign up to the pledge and by doing so accepting that men carry out the vast majority of attacks against women, and thus committing to take a stand against this violence in both our local and global societies.

Please read the pledge and add your name, and rough location using the comment button at the bottom.

The Pledge:

'I acknowldege

- that the majority of violence carried out in this world is carried out by people of my own gender and a substantial proportion of that violence is directed against women.

- that this violence is totally unacceptable.

- that this violence can take the form of rape, genetalia mutalation, domestic violence, assault, gender specififc infanticide, psychological and emotional abuse, sex trafficking, and many others

- that simple things such as the words I use contribute towards a society where this violence is acceptable

- that this violence is not simply a women's issue but is an issue for all men too

- that i as a man have the power to encourage or discourage this abuse

- that it is only when men play their part, that this violence will be stopped.

Therefore I pledge

- to stand against the violence men commit against women in all it's forms

- to work towards eradicating the world of this violence and of the social conditioning that contributes towards it

- that i will challenge other men to take this pledge.'

Thank you.


a person said...

I pledge

Matt P, Durham; UK

Mike Peatman said...

So do I. Mike. Lancaster